Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Teluk Kiluan, Tanggamus Lampung

Acquaintance with the people on the internet adds to number of our friends and add our insight on something that we do not know,
yes I had contacts with people who love to travel and he advised me to post a good place,
want to know what kind of place that said to me?
let us consider together.

Kiluan bay located in Pekon (Village) Kiluan State, District Kelumbayan, District Tanggamus Lampung Province. Gulf Tourism Kiluan natural fit for travelers who like adventure. Hilly topography and berlembah interesting to explore. The journey to the Gulf Kiluan is already a challenge for travelers.

In the waters of the Gulf Kiluan we can see a collection of Dolphins. There are at least two types of Dolphins in the waters of this, the first species is the Bottle Nose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) with larger bodies, and shy. The second species is the length of Part Dolphins (Stenella Longirostris) are smaller bodied and fun jumps. To enjoy it, we still have twenty-minute boat ride to the center of the island Kiluan Ocean. Gulf Kiluan also very suitable for a variety of fish and crab fishing was still in a lot. So, we do not forget to bring the following equipment fishing bait.

In addition lumbanya dolphins, we were also able to enjoy the fun snorkeling reefs around the island Kiluan using rented snorkle provided Kiluan residents on the island.

Gulf Kiluan save natural charm that is still natural and preserved ecosystem. Evident from the consciousness of the fishermen in the Gulf Kiluan not catch fish using a stun or potash. Gulf Kiluan developed as an ecotourism destination run by local residents to improve local people's income in addition to their livelihoods as fishermen.
It is interesting to Visited?

source :http://goodsilalahi.blogspot.com/2011/12/acquaintance-with-people-on-internet.html

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